Sunday 8 December 2013, 6:30pm, The Velaslavasay Panorama
FilmForum LA Presents Nicolas Rey's 15mm 1999 Film Les Soviets Plus l'Électricité
Wandering through Russia as if through someone else's house. A cintetrip from Russia to Magadan, a city of deportation. Based on excerpts from Rey's acoustic diary, documentary footage, and autobiographical insights, the roving reporter searches for imaginary roots and their historical implications.
This presentation is part of a touring exhibition of critically acclaimed French experimental filmmaker Nicolas Rey, with 10 other universities and media centers in the United States, supported in part by a grant from Cine2000, a program of FACE. Nicolas Rey will appear in person for this Los Angeles premiere.
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For More Information
Friday 13 December 2013, 7pm, The Velaslavasay Panorama
Welcome to the Circus... Bread + Puppet: 50 Years of Political Theater
Documentary footage to celebrate the 50th anniversary of one of the oldest, non-profit theatrical companies in the country- Bread and Puppet Theater.
In the 1960s, a group of troubadours rented out a small loft on Delancey St. in New York and began putting on weekly performances headed by Peter Schumann. Schumann, a sculptor, dancer and baker converted his father-in-law's trailer into a mobile puppet stage and took the theater on the road, by way of a station wagon, across New England. In 1975, Bread + Puppet moved to Vermont to create the annual Our Domestic Resurrection Circus, a two-day large scale outdoor production.
Bread + Puppet prints will be on display and available for purchase in the lobby.
To Reserve Tickets
The Velaslavasay Panorama 1122 West 24th Street Los Angeles, California 90007 |

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